Realtime VR Environment

Realtime 3D Renders inside of Unity

Swinburne high tea pop-up art gallery for alumni 2018. Best quote " is this going into my brain or through my eyes".

3D modelling and shader development in Autodesk Maya

Post-war Italian migrant virtual reality(VR) experience.
Virtual Reality diorama telling the story of how an migrant may feel about the "lucky country".
You stand in a small cramped run down room, in the centre of the room is a package from Australia sent by a friend. As you move forward, you see that it is full of objects, metaphors/symbols that represent what may lie beyond the waters and the end of a long journey by boat.
Using a historic post-war time frame allows for the participants to reflect on the positive outcomes that migrants have brought to Australia.
Italian migrants settled in Australia in the hundreds and thousands.
This project aims to explore the story of how they may have felt before leaving Italy. Evoke ideas of mystery, wonder and connection between two places.
To give empathy to participants on how migrants may feel about the benefits
and aspirations of leaving your homeland and immigrating to a new country and culture.Using a historic post-war time frame allows for the participants to reflect on the positive outcomes that migrants have brought to Australia.
To give empathy to participants on how migrants may feel about the benefits
and aspirations of leaving your homeland and immigrating to a new country and culture.Using a historic post-war time frame allows for the participants to reflect on the positive outcomes that migrants have brought to Australia.